England and Wales - CAFOD


Address: CAFOD, Romero House, 55 Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7JB, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 303 303 3030 Fax: 44 (0) 20 7274 9630
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: CAFOD Twitter: CAFOD

As the official Catholic aid agency for England and Wales, CAFOD was born when volunteer members of the National Board of Catholic Women organised the first Family Fast Day on Friday, March 11, 1960 to raise money to help a mother and baby health centre in the Caribbean. Two years later, CAFOD was officially registered and for nearly 50 years the international aid agency continues to carry on the tradition of helping those in need by providing practical help to end poverty and injustice, development and emergency relief, and advocacy work to draw attention to social issues in more than 30 countries in Latin America, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Eastern Europe.

Working with hundreds of local partners, CAFOD supports projects and programmes all over the world. CAFOD’s programmes focus on international emergency and development work as well as education, advocacy and campaigning to tackle the global causes of poverty. Capacity-building programmes have ensured vulnerable communities have the resources to survive, minimise and recover from emergencies and environmental threats and increased access to clean water, education, and healthcare.

Domestically, CAFOD’s key focus areas are to raise awareness with the local Catholic Church of England & Wales to end injustice and poverty and advocacy and lobbying work to create a powerful voice for change and justice.

CAFOD’s main office is in London, England, with a number of offices internationally. CAFOD is an agency of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and represents England & Wales in the global Caritas network.

Updates from England and Wales
