Major donations

Giving is receiving

If you are considering a major gift you might want to also consider saving processing and credit card charges and make your donation go even further!

Thank you for joining us on the journey to assist the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. Caritas much appreciates your generous support.

1. Make cheque payable to Caritas Internationalis (enclose a separate note regarding which fund/appeal you want the donation to go towards, please do not write this on the cheque) and send to:

Caritas Internationalis
Development Office
Palazzo San Calisto
Vatican City 00120


2. Send a bank transfer as follows:

Bank: Unicredit S.p.A.
Address: Via della Conciliazione 11b – ROMA
Beneficiary: Caritas Internationalis
Address: Palazzo San Calisto, 00120 Vatican City
IBAN: IT10C 02008 05008 000400406198
Payment Details: Name of Appeal of Fund


3. Donate online through the National Catholic Community Foundation

U.S. based donors who would like to receive a tax deductible receipt, may also donate in US dollars to the Caritas Internationals Fund held by the National Catholic Community Foundation, a non-stock, non-profit Delaware corporation. All donations will support Caritas Internationalis work (please email [email protected] to receive more information).

Whatever you decide and however big or small your gift is, we thank you for your generosity and your commitment to the work of Caritas Internationalis.


Please give to Caritas generously. Your support makes our work possible.


Caritas brought together a collection of prayers and reflections for you to use.


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