Please give generously

Make a difference to millions of vulnerable people in both rich and poor countries.
Donate to our Global Action Fund and your money will be used where it is most needed.
We are supporting people in many different ways around the world. For example, your donation could be used for long-term development work such as installing water pumps in Zambia, or it could provide psycho-social support to victims of war and violence.
Donate today to help us fulfill our mission while having a global impact.
It is also possible to make donations through a bank transfer.
Bank: Unicredit S.p.A.
Address: Via della Conciliazione 11b – ROMA
Beneficiary: Caritas Internationalis
Address: Palazzo San Calisto, 00120 Vatican City
IBAN: IT10C 02008 05008 000400406198
Payment Details: Global Action Fund
U.S. based donors who would like to receive a tax-deductible receipt may also donate in US dollars to the Caritas Internationals Fund held by the National Catholic Community Foundation.
Please email [email protected] to receive more information.