Communications Frauduleuses

Malheureusement, les organisations caritatives sont parfois visées par des individus sans scrupules qui opèrent des tentatives frauduleuses de soutirer de l’argent aux donateurs au moyen d’activités telles que les escroqueries à la loterie ou les fraudes par courriel. De temps en temps, ce type de fraude touche aussi Caritas Internationalis.

Si vous recevez quoi que ce soit qui vous semble frauduleux, par exemple des courriels qui viennent prétendument de Caritas, s’il-vous-plaît ne transmettez vos données personnelles à l’expéditeur. Nous ne vous demanderons jamais dans un courriel non sollicité de nous envoyer, par courriel, vos renseignements personnels ou vos données bancaires. Si vous recevez un courriel de la sorte, détruisez-le, ou alors faites-le suivre dans son intégralité, y compris le sujet, à [email protected]. Vous pouvez aussi contacter le département des donations de Caritas Internationalis à [email protected] pour vérifier la validité dudit courriel.

En cas de notification à Caritas d’une activité frauduleuse, les autorités compétentes en sont toujours informées. Nous prenons aussi des mesures avec les fournisseurs d’hébergement quand nous pouvons les identifier, mais nous ne pouvons pas toujours garantir que ce type de communication ne circule pas.

Merci pour votre soutien et votre compréhension.
Voici le courriel frauduleux:

—– Forwarded Message —–

Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 1:21 PM
Subject: CATHOLIC CHARITIES: Benefiting Job offer Update

Dear beloved,

Thank you very much for your positive response to our job offer opportunity May God bless you as you read the lines of this message carefully:

About us:

Catholic Charities is the international office for Catholic Charity agencies and affiliates worldwide.

As a professional association and social justice movement,Catholic Charities supports local Catholic Charities as they provide help and create hope for over 9 million people each year regardless of religious, social, or economic backgrounds.

What we do:

Ironically,the contemporary work of Catholic Charities worldwide continues to support the following:

Women who are poor; children who are poor; Refugees, people with disability and HIV/AIDS,how these people are treated tests our society’s justice, and whether or not we understand that we are children of one God who is passionately concerned for the least among us.

About the job offer:

The Department of charity of the Catholic mission is recruiting donations coordinating agents around the world to receive and distribute donations to various charity homes and entities that needs support

Why we need you:

The Catholic Charity Mission is made up of two kinds of people namely: 1) Donors who support the charity mission with financial charity materials 2)Volunteers,who help distribute the charity materials to the beneficiaries We need you to help us receive charity materials from our numerous donors and distribute the charity materials to the beneficiaries.


This is an opportunity to become one of our agents worldwide online and get paid weekly ($450 weekly) You would be entitled to 10% cmmission of whatever monetary donation you receive and process for distribution This job is a temporary job which does not disturb your present work or endeavor This offer is absolutely free and no registration fee is required from you

How to apply:

Please,apply for the job offer as you provide the following information:

complete home/Office address:
Zip/postal code:
Country :

We would respond to your email as soon as possible for more information.

God bless and hope to hear from you as soon as possible

Rev Antonella Balsano
United Kingdom
Tel: (+44)711152846

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