Comunicaciones fraudulentas

Lamentablemente, las organizaciones benéficas son a veces objeto de individuos sin escrúpulos, que intentan obtener dinero de manera fraudulenta de simpatizantes y donantes de organizaciones caritativas, a través de actividades como estafas con loterías o mensajes engañosos por correo electrónico. En algunas ocasiones, ese tipo de fraude afecta a Caritas Internationalis.

Si usted recibe cualquier comunicación que le parezca fraudulenta, como por ejemplo correos electrónicos que afirmen proceder de Caritas, por favor, no dé sus datos al remitente. Nosotros nunca le pediremos a través de un correo no deseado que nos envíe, mediante correo electrónico, su información de contacto personal ni sus datos bancarios. Si recibe tal correo elimínelo o remítalo en su totalidad, incluido el encabezado, a [email protected]. También puede contactar con el departamento de donaciones de Caritas Internationalis en [email protected]para verificar la validez del correo electrónico.

Si Caritas recibe alguna notificación de actividades fraudulentas, es necesario informar de ello a las autoridades competentes. También seguimos el caso con los alojadores de páginas web, con el fin de poder identificarlos. Sin embargo, no podemos garantizarles siempre la prevención del envío de ese tipo de comunicaciones.

Gracias por su apoyo y comprensión.

El mensaje siguiente es fraudulento:

—– Forwarded Message —–

Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 2011 1:21 PM
Subject: CATHOLIC CHARITIES: Benefiting Job offer Update

Dear beloved,

Thank you very much for your positive response to our job offer opportunity May God bless you as you read the lines of this message carefully:

About us:

Catholic Charities is the international office for Catholic Charity agencies and affiliates worldwide.

As a professional association and social justice movement,Catholic Charities supports local Catholic Charities as they provide help and create hope for over 9 million people each year regardless of religious, social, or economic backgrounds.

What we do:

Ironically,the contemporary work of Catholic Charities worldwide continues to support the following:

Women who are poor; children who are poor; Refugees, people with disability and HIV/AIDS,how these people are treated tests our society’s justice, and whether or not we understand that we are children of one God who is passionately concerned for the least among us.

About the job offer:

The Department of charity of the Catholic mission is recruiting donations coordinating agents around the world to receive and distribute donations to various charity homes and entities that needs support

Why we need you:

The Catholic Charity Mission is made up of two kinds of people namely: 1) Donors who support the charity mission with financial charity materials 2)Volunteers,who help distribute the charity materials to the beneficiaries We need you to help us receive charity materials from our numerous donors and distribute the charity materials to the beneficiaries.


This is an opportunity to become one of our agents worldwide online and get paid weekly ($450 weekly) You would be entitled to 10% cmmission of whatever monetary donation you receive and process for distribution This job is a temporary job which does not disturb your present work or endeavor This offer is absolutely free and no registration fee is required from you

How to apply:

Please,apply for the job offer as you provide the following information:

complete home/Office address:
Zip/postal code:
Country :

We would respond to your email as soon as possible for more information.

God bless and hope to hear from you as soon as possible

Rev Antonella Balsano
United Kingdom
Tel: (+44)711152846


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