
thoughts and updates from our contributors

International Women’s Day: Tapa in Tonga
Cardinal Rodriguez looks at the challenges facing the Church
Goodbye Pope Benedict
The safe Samaritan
Refugee helping refugee: inspiring stories from the Syrian crisis
Mali Crisis: A young mother’s story
Syrian crisis through the eyes of its refugees
A decade in Darfur: Call me Actcaritas
A decade in Darfur: challenges and progress
Exodus of Syrian refugees to Jordan
Curse or blessing of natural resources in Papua New Guinea
Inside Myanmar’s ongoing conflict
Rebel repatriation goes wrong in Congo leading to new crisis
Capital punishment no answer to rape crimes in India
Life is hard for Syrian refugees in the Lebanese winter
Caritas Turkey: side by side with Syrian refugees
Syria: “A tragedy unfolding in front of our eyes”
Youth make big climate splash in Oceania
Temperature drop in Lebanon leaving Syrian refugees out in cold
Rescuing child soldiers in Congo’s war
Caritas Portugal wins human rights award
Congo bishops decry chaos in East
Deadline in Doha
Cardinal Rodriguez on Caritas and Catholic identity
Caritas dialogues with FAO and the EU about agroecology at COP18
Niger on high alert as floods threaten
Wake up call for the Doha climate talks
Caritas aid gets through to Congo camps
Caritas exhibit in Doha attracts many guests
World AIDS Day