Caritas Internationalis joins the Laudato Si’ Week 2023

United to the theme of this year’s Laudato Si’ Week – ‘Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity’ – Caritas Internationalis is inviting all people around the world to join our global campaign ‘Together We’ in celebration of the eighth anniversary of the publication of the encyclical Laudato Si’.

In all countries where Caritas is present, Communities of Care engage and empower people to be change makers in their local communities with a view to promoting integral ecology as inspired by the teachings of Fratelli Tutti and Laudato Si’.

Communities of Care are made up of parishioners, diocesan representatives, youth clubs and community members in general who commit together to take action at all levels to care for our planet and to care for the poor.

As we journey towards our Global Action Week in October 2023, we invite all to take part in our common action and watch the film ‘The Letter’, which tells the story of four “social poets” affected first-hand by the climate crisis who travel to Rome to meet Pope Francis.

You can register your public screening with your Community of Care below:

Everyone has a chance to raise awareness and collectively address care for the poor and care for our planet in our efforts to uphold human dignity and advance social justice together.


Please give to Caritas generously. Your support makes our work possible.


Caritas brought together a collection of prayers and reflections for you to use.


Volunteers make a crucial contribution. Find out how you can be one.