
Colombia’s forgotten refugees

Colombia’s forgotten refugees

More than three million people have been forced from their homes in Colombia. Fighting continues to affect people from all walks of life. The large number of displaced people hinders efforts at making peace. While Colombia has the second largest number of internally displaced people in the world after Sudan, it still does not have ...

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A year in campaigning

A year in campaigning

The year 2009 was a year of intense activity on climate change in the run-up to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting in Copenhagen in December. Hopes were high for a binding deal to cut greenhouse gas emissions and increase financial and technological aid for poor countries. Caritas Internationalis joined its ...

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Climate change: Seeking climate justice

Climate change: Seeking climate justice

The harsh effects of climate change are already becoming a daily reality for poor communities inmany countries where Caritas works. Unpredictable or extreme weather is undermining the humanitarian and development work of Caritas and threatens to increase the number of emergencies in the future. Calling for a new global ethic The answer to the climate ...

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Economic justice: Putting people first

Economic justice: Putting people first

Caritas seeks to challenge unjust systems and promote the common good, addressing the structural causes of poverty. Caritas believes that economic structures should put people before profit; we support fairer trade, further debt cancellation and increased aid,more wisely spent. The fallout from the 2008/2009 global economic crisis pushed more vulnerable communities into extreme poverty. The ...

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Pandemic diseases: Promoting prevention, treatment, and care

Pandemic diseases: Promoting prevention, treatment, and care

Caritas works on behalf of those at risk fromdevastating pandemics such as HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria. In the developing world, poverty itself is both a cause and an effect of pandemics that devastate the physical, social and economic health of entire regions. Caritas raises awareness about AIDS issues around the world through ...

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Another world is possible

Another world is possible

One hundred and fifty Caritas representatives from 14 countries attended theWorld Social Forum (WSF) in Belém, Brazil. TheWSF is seen as a vital opportunity for social movements, NGOs and civil society networks to discuss the issues of poverty and the effects of globalisation. “For Caritas, theWorld Social Forum is an opportunity for the globalisation of ...

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HAART for Children Campaign

HAART for Children Campaign

Children were at the heart of the Caritas response to AIDS during 2009. Every day, 800 children die from AIDS-related diseases. The Caritas ‘HAART for Children’ campaign urged governments and pharmaceutical firms to develop and provide ‘child-friendly’HIV and TB medicines as well as low-cost/low-technology testing methods to diagnose these infections. HAART stands for “Highly Active ...

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