Climate Change

Mongolia goes to Doha

Mongolia goes to Doha

Even though – in the eyes of climate change decision-makers - the problems of Mongolia may not even amount to 1% of the world’s climate change issues, they are gradually worsening. On the ground, Caritas Mongolia intervenes by implementing a Food Security Project introducing Passive Solar Greenhouses, absorbing natural solar warming and releasing it to the vegetables.

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Do the right thing at Doha climate talks

Do the right thing at Doha climate talks

Droughts across West Africa, storms smashing into North America and the Caribbean, glaciers melting faster than imagined: the impact of bad and unusual weather patterns were clearly visible in 2012. But what was less clear was the political and public will to make the sacrifices necessary to address the driving forces behind climate change and ...

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New challenges for the people of Lake Chad

New challenges for the people of Lake Chad

Balama was a village once located on the shores of Lake Chad, in the east of the county. Since the 1960s, the lake has been greatly reduced. A changing climate and uncontrolled use of water for irrigated agricultures combined with population pressure, has led to the receding of the lake to 10 percent of its original surface.

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Rio+20: conference reflections

Rio+20: conference reflections

By James Stella On entering the Rio+20 Conference centre, the participants are instantly greeted by an enormous blue coloured digital billboard displaying the extensive list of side events scheduled for the day. Listed on the board one will find the name, location and time of the event. With events scheduled around the clock, from 9:00 ...

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Caritas at Rio + 20

Caritas at Rio + 20

The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development to be held in Rio de Janeiro on 20-22 June is expected to represent a new stage in the political process that began back of 1972. Ever since the UN Stockholm Conference on Human Environment, political leaders have been discussing how to reconcile human development needs with environmental ...

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