

Address: Km 11, Boulevard du Centenaire de la Commune de Dakar
BP: 439 Dakar, Senegal
Telephone: +221 33 834 00 20 Fax: +221 33 834 41 97
Email: [email protected]

Caritas Senegal was established after the country’s independence in 1966 and officially recognised with the name “Secours Catholique, Caritas Senegal” on 10 November 1966. Since 1995, Caritas Senegal has also had the status of an NGO.

Senegal has 7 dioceses and 136 parishes. Direct beneficiaries number 522,517, while indirect beneficiaries amount to 2,612,585.

Jesus raises us to our feet, as an instrument of the social ministry of the Church of Senegal, to serve the integral development of humankind. To this end, we carry out programmes and projects connected with disaster risk management, striving for human development via access to water and sanitation, production and processing capacity building, migration management, and advocacy for the respect of human rights.

Caritas Senegal works in partnership with: the Senegalese government, Misereor, Secours Catholique (Caritas France), Caritas Spain, Caritas Germany, Caritas Italy, Caritas Austria, Hand Für Africa, USAID, the Belgian Development Agency, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Broderlik Delen, Missio Aachen, Kindermissionswerk Aachen, the European Union, KLB, Jean Paul II Foundation, FAO and WFP.

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